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State of the Criminal Justice System Dashboard

Police-reported homicide accused (adults and youth) identified as Black

Collection source : Homicide Survey, Statistics Canada
What it is? : This indicator is measured in two ways: 1) the number and percentage of persons (adults and youth) accused of police-reported homicide identified as Black people, and 2) the rate of persons (adults and youth) accused of police-reported homicide identified as Black per 100,000 Black population in Canada. Homicide includes the Criminal Code offences of murder, manslaughter, and infanticide. Black identity is reported by the police and is determined through information supplied from the accused person, accused person’s family, community members, or other sources.
Why is it important? : A decrease in this indicator could mean a reduction in systemic discrimination and an improvement of the socio-economic factors that contribute to the overrepresentation of Black people in the criminal justice system.
Direction of improvement : The expected direction of improvement for this indicator is a decrease.
Geographic coverage : Canada
Limitation : These data provide the number of homicide accused (adults and youth) who are known by police in a given year. For more detailed notes, click on the export to spreadsheet function.
Direction : The value decreased from the previous year and is moving in the defined direction of improvement.
Resources :

Homicide Survey- Overview
Number, percentage and rate of homicide victims, by racialized identity group, gender and region- Data Table
The Daily — Gender-related homicide of women and girls in Canada, 2011 to 2021 (


Police-reported Information Hub: Homicide in Canada

Homicide trends in Canada, 2022 - The Daily

Homicide in Canada, 2022 - Infographic

Homicide in Canada, 2021- Juristat
Homicide in Canada, 2021- Infographic
Homicide in Canada, 2020- Juristat
Homicide in Canada, 2020- Infographic
Homicide in Canada, 2019- Juristat
Homicide in Canada, 2019- Infographic
Homicide in Canada, 2018- Juristat
Homicide in Canada, 2018- Infographic
Homicides in Canada, 2017- Juristat
Homicides in Canada, 2017- Infographic 

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