The online public consultation is now closed. Feedback received as part of the consultation will be summarized and published in a report, and will be made available online.
Modernizing Canada’s Privacy Act – Online Public Consultation
The Government of Canada is reviewing the Privacy Act, the federal legislation that regulates how federal public sector institutions collect, use, disclose, retain, and dispose of the personal information of individuals.
Canadians’ expectations of privacy have changed and evolved since the Act became law more than three decades ago. It is time to review the Act to ensure it keeps pace with the effects of both technological change and evolving Canadian values.
Canadians are invited to share their views on key issues, such as:
- the rules on when federal institutions can collect personal information
- how federal institutions can use the information entrusted to them
- when federal institutions can share personal information with other federal institutions
- how key concepts should be defined under the Act
- the oversight and enforcement framework under the Act
The Department of Justice welcomes your feedback until February 14, 2021.
For further information on why we are reviewing the Privacy Act, visit Modernizing Canada’s Privacy Act.
How to participate in the online public consultation:
- Complete the online survey: have your say on modernizing the Privacy Act by completing the online survey.
- Read the discussion paper: view the discussion paper online or download a print version.
- Upload your submission: provide your written comments on the discussion paper by uploading your submission online.
- Participate in the discussion forum: share your views on the discussion paper and see what others are saying in our online discussion forum.
Video message from the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Transcript: Share your views on modernizing Canada’s Privacy Act
The Honourable David Lametti, P.C., Q.C., M.P.
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
The Department of Justice is undertaking a review of the Privacy Act as one part of a broader review of Canada’s privacy framework.
Our world has changed dramatically since Canada’s Privacy Act came into force more than three decades ago.
Since then, we’ve seen unprecedented technological and social changes that affect your privacy—and those changes have created new challenges and expectations for the Government of Canada, and how it should use, manage and protect your personal information.
The digital age has created new ways for the Government to use data for public benefit. But we also need to make sure that our laws reflect the realities of the 21st century and adequately protect the privacy rights of Canadians.
That is why the Department of Justice has committed to reviewing the Privacy Act and I want to encourage all Canadians to join in the conversation, share your ideas, and make your voices heard. To share your views, visit the Department of Justice website or click the link below.
Your input is vital to helping us shape a modern Privacy Act that reflects the needs and expectations of all Canadians—now and into the future.
Learn more about the Privacy Act
Learn more about the consultation
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