Youth Justice Fund Projects - 2012-2013
Agincourt Community Services Association:
Youth Service Scarborough Collaborative Project
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/02/13 - 2013/06/30
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $28,620.00
The recipient will conduct a community assessment in Scarborough to develop an understanding of the strategies and supports necessary to address the needs of youth who are in conflict with the law and are involved in or at risk of becoming involved in gangs. The recipient will also provide a four-day training program on crisis intervention and prevention to front-line workers who work with potentially violent youth who are involved in gangs.
Canadian Training Institute:
Trauma treatment training to support a Breaking the Cycle Leadership and Personal Development Program
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2012/12/12 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $20,572.00
The recipient will provide intensive training to staff working with the Breaking the Cycle Program to increase capacity in trauma treatment and in facilitating individual healing for youth within the criminal justice system who are involved with gangs or are at risk of becoming involved with gangs.
Centre de bénévolat de la péninsule acadienne inc. :
Stratégies de traitement de la toxicomanie chez les jeunes dans la Péninsule acadienne
- Location
- Caraquet, New Brunswick
- Duration
- 2013/02/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $11,039.00
The recipient will offer training workshops to front-line community workers to improve substance abuse treatment services for youth involved in the criminal justice system.
Chantier d'apprentissage optimal (CHAPOP):
Diagnostic des actions des intervenants jeunesses anti-gangs (DAIJAG)
- Location
- Montreal, Quebec
- Duration
- 2013/01/18 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $39,006.00
The recipient will conduct a community assessment in order to improve the effectiveness of local and regional efforts by community workers to assist visible minority youth who are involved in the justice system and who are gang members or are likely to become gang members.
Child Development Institute, Centre for Children Committing Offences (CCCO):
Guns, Gangs, and Drugs SNAP for Youth in Custody
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2012/05/01 - 2015/04/30
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $604,372
The Recipient proposes to work with the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Youth Justice Services Division, to develop a version of the Stop Now and Plan (SNAP®) program specifically designed for youth in custody, aged 12-17, who are involved in gangs or at risk of gang involvement. The SNAP® program has been proven effective in decreasing delinquency and improving self control among children below the age of 12. It has previously been adapted for specific populations, including girls and Aboriginal youth.
The project will also include the development of web-based modules and training for custody workers. The modules will focus on engaging youth in custody with interesting and creative learning approaches by providing real life scenarios designed to improve self control, decision-making skills and pro-social strategies.
Community Legal Education Association (Manitoba) Incorporated:
Update of the YCJA brochure, Fact Sheets and Teaching Kit
- Location
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $9,898.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Community Legal Education Ontario:
Update of the Youth Criminal Justice Public Legal Education Pamphlets
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/04/01 - 2013/09/30
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Community Legal Information Association of Prince Edward Island, Inc.:
Revision of Youth Justice Materials and Creation of a Webpage
- Location
- Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Community Partnerships Office at George Brown College:
Safety Awareness and Intervention Now (SAIN)
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/01/02 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $46,597.00
The recipient will provide one-day training sessions to increase awareness of and exposure to individual safety strategies, interventions and self-care techniques to front-line workers and justice personnel in the Greater Toronto Area who work with youth within the criminal justice system who are involved in gangs or at risk of becoming involved in gangs.
Update of Public Legal Education and Information Kits
- Location
- Montreal, Quebec
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The recipient proposes to undertake activities to update or develop public legal education and information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act to reflect the changes related to provisions of the Safe Streets and Communities Act that came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Society for British Columbia:
Drug Treatment Options for Youth with FASD and Similar Cognitive Impairments
- Location
- Maple Ridge, British Columbia
- Duration
- 2012/04/02 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $29,860
The Recipient proposes to develop a report on promising drug treatment methods for youth with FASD and other cognitive impairments and on recommended next steps, and share this report broadly among service providers working with youth in the justice system. The proposed project will include a survey of accommodations being made for people with cognitive disabilities in substance abuse treatment facilities internationally, a review of scientific findings, and a focus group of treatment providers from all sectors working with youth.
For Youth Initiative:
Realities of Gang Violence: A Youth Assessment
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/01/03 - 2013/05/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $43,965.00
The Recipient will work with 12-15 young people, aged 13-17, who are in conflict with the law, to undertake a youth-driven assessment of violence and gang activities in the Weston-Mt. Dennis community in Toronto. The objective will be to generate community activities to support the reintegration of gang-involved youth, while assisting the youth involved with the project in their own rehabilitation.
Youth selected for the project will themselves undergo an assessment process and be required to commit to a personal goal around reintegration and/or personal development; this may include a goal relating to education, employment or housing.
The youth will participate in a series of workshops, over 12-16 weeks, where they will identify the symptoms that lead to young people becoming involved in gangs and engaging in acts of violence in their community. Participants will explore their community, share their experiences, and learn administrative and visual media skills such as interviewing and video production.
After the workshops are completed, youth will assist the program facilitator in doing a needs assessment with community stakeholders and other youth. This will include conducting focus groups and using visual-media based tools. The findings of this project will be presented through a visual medium and written report to community stakeholders, to increase opportunities for collaboration on new reintegration programs and for youth in conflict with the law who are involved in gangs and violence.
Guay, Jean-Pierre:
Leading-edge practices for evaluating and intervening with young offenders associated with street gangs
- Location
- Blainville, Quebec
- Duration
- 2012/11/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $40,615.00
The recipient plans to provide training activities for front-line workers who deal with young offenders in custody under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, who work for alternative justice organizations and who work in Quebec youth centres dealing with the phenomenon of street gangs.
Guay, Jean-Pierre:
Création d’un réseau de partenaires impliqués dans le travail avec les délinquant associés dans des gangs de rue
- Location
- Blainville, Quebec
- Duration
- 2013/01/18 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $27,990.00
The recipient's plan is to create a network of stakeholders specializing in street gangs by documenting practices currently being used by various community agencies in Quebec youth centres for intervening with young offenders involved in gangs. The process will include two main activities: holding discussion groups on recommended practices and compiling an inventory of practices for dealing with street gangs.
Ka Ni Kanichihk:
Oshkabaywis: My Helper
- Location
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Duration
- 2012/04/01 - 2015/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $487,992.00
The Recipient proposes to develop and implement a three-year culturally based mentorship program for 36-40 Aboriginal female youth who are involved in or associated with youth street gangs and in the criminal justice system in Winnipeg. Using a continuous intake format, Oshkabaywis will use the Circle of Courage model which teaches strategies for youth to develop pro-social competencies, attitudes and behaviours and increase positive alternatives. While the Circle of Courage model is lifestyle neutral, a female gender-specific lens will be applied throughout the implementation of the program and will be reflected in hiring both staff and elders.
Kwanlin Dün First Nation:
Building a Path to Wellness for Youth: Program Assessment Project
- Location
- Whitehorse, Yukon
- Duration
- 2013/01/09 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $48,235.00
The recipient will conduct an assessment to identify indicators of problematic substance use by Yukon First Nation youth and to evaluate the effectiveness of efforts made to date to provide culturally relevant programming for youth involved in the youth criminal justice system with illicit substance abuse issues. Local and specialist stakeholders will be invited to join a network or smaller advisory committee to contribute to action planning and to provide advice on the future delivery of a land-based healing program.
Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia:
Update of Youth Justice Brochures and Information
- Location
- Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Duration
- 2012/12/17 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $9,735.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Legal Resource Centre of Alberta:
Update of the Canadian Legal FAQs Website
- Location
- Edmonton, Alberta
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Mccreary Centre Society / FASD:
Substance Abuse programs for youth with FASD and associated cognitive impairments: Informing best practice
- Location
- Vancouver, British Columbia
- Duration
- 2012/04/01 - 2014/09/30
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $236,919
The Recipient proposes to explore drug addiction and treatment options for youth with FASD and other cognitive impairments who are involved in the justice system to gain a better understanding of these youth and the approaches to drug treatment that are effective for these youth. Through interview surveys with youth and those working with these youth, the project will compare the experiences of youth with cognitive impairments to those youth without these challenges. The goal of the project is to inform best practice and provide valuable information which can contribute to the development of an effective treatment approach for youth with FASD and associated cognitive impairments.
Mi'Kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island (MCPEI):
A community-based approach that addresses illicit drug use by drawing upon the experiences of Aboriginal youth in First Nation communities on PEI
- Location
- Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
- Duration
- 2013/01/16 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $25,317.00
The recipient will undertake an assessment to identify risk factors of illicit drug use in PEI First Nation communities and the relationship between Aboriginal youth and their direct involvement in the youth criminal justice system. The project will also identify and assess the effectiveness of efforts made to address substance abuse in PEI First Nation communities by Aboriginal youth involved in the youth criminal justice system. A partnership among stakeholders will develop an action plan to address illicit drug use by these youth.
Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia:
Through an Aboriginal Lens: Training Professionals to Address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum in Aboriginal Youth
- Location
- North Vancouver, British Columbia
- Duration
- 2012/10/25 - 2013/12/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $73,830.00
The Recipient proposes to create an Aboriginal developed, delivered and focused training project for professionals to address Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Aboriginal youth involved in the justice system. The project will be aimed at staff and key volunteers of its organization, as well as community stakeholders who work directly with Aboriginal young offenders diagnosed with, or showing key features or functional impairment attributed to, a FASD diagnosis. An Advisory Committee consisting of Aboriginal youth, community stakeholders and project staff will be formed to develop and implement this project.
Operation Springboard:
In-sourcing Community Talent
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/02/25 - 2013/06/24
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $65,936.00
The recipient will strengthen its partnership with IMPACT n' Communities, a grassroots community engagement organization, to recruit front-line youth workers from three high-risk communities in East Scarborough to deliver Community Learning HUB programming to youth involved in the criminal justice system who are involved in or at risk of becoming involved in gangs. The project will focus on five areas: anger management; substance abuse prevention; keeping the peace; healthy relationships (for girls); employment; and financial literacy.
People's Law School, Public Legal Education Society of British Columbia (THE):
People's Law School Booklet: "Consequences of a Youth Record"
- Location
- Vancouver, British Columbia
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Plea Community Services Society of British Columbia:
Youth Gang Activity: Community Assessments
- Location
- Vancouver, British Columbia
- Duration
- 2013/02/07 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $16,640.00
The recipient will develop an environmental scan of youth gang involvement within the Tri Cities and Ridge Meadows communities in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. The scan will involve organizing community consultations to assess the nature and scope of youth gang issues and identify what programs and services exist and what programs or services are missing. Through this exercise, a network of stakeholders will be created to put forward recommendations and create potential pilot projects relevant to community needs.
Le programme de portage relatif a la dependance a la drogue inc.:
Action justice
- Location
- Québec, Québec
- Duration
- 2012/07/03 – 2013/06/30
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $47,500.00
The Recipient proposes to examine promising practices for treating substance abuse among youth who are in conflict with the law with illicit substance abuse issues. The project results will make it possible to better understand the connection between drug addiction and delinquency, identify courses of action to help the Portage centres improve their practices, be more aware of circumstances of young offenders with addictions and understand the specific needs of clients to reduce recidivism.
Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick:
Update of Youth Justice Legal Information Resources
- Location
- Fredericton, New Brunswick
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan:
Update of The Straight Dope - What You Need to Know About Drugs, Alcohol and the Law
- Location
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Duration
- 2013/01/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Public Legal Information Association of Newfoundland:
Update Existing and Create New PLEI materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act
- Location
- St. John’s, Newfoundland
- Duration
- 2012/12/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $10,000.00
The Recipient proposes to undertake activities related to the updating or development of Public Legal Education and Information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) to reflect the provisions of Bill C-10. These changes came into effect on October 23, 2012.
Safe City Mississauga:
Community Assessment of Youth Gangs in the Region of Peel
- Location
- Mississauga, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/01/08 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $44,750.00
The recipient will create and implement a comprehensive process of community consultation and needs assessment. They will bring together key stakeholders from the Peel region to discuss youth in conflict with the law who are involved or are at risk of becoming involved with gangs to craft a balanced, appropriate and community-based response to the gang problem in the Peel Region.
Saskatoon Health Region:
Forensic Recreational Therapy Services Project: "Get a Life"
- Location
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Duration
- 2012/04/01 – 2015/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $228,000.00
The Recipient proposes to develop and pilot a three-year project aimed at supporting youth involved in the justice system overcome their substance abuse and related challenges and ultimately develop a healthy lifestyle. The recreation therapist and youth will identify interests, motivation, satisfaction and attitudes through the development of a plan. Youth will then be given the opportunity to identify pro-social activities that they are interested in and how these can impact their life. Through evaluation and education, youth will be able to identify barriers (money, transportation, etc.) and then learn how to reduce or eliminate them. The project will focus on more than the presenting problem (e.g., substance abuse/dependence) and help youth develop alternative healthy ways to manage challenges associated with substance abuse and to find activities which they can enjoy as an alternative.
Saskatoon Health Region:
Helping others by helping yourself: A guide to working with gang-involved youth
- Location
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Duration
- 2013/01/16 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $17,000.00
The recipient will develop and pilot a two-day training session for front-line service providers who work with gang-involved youth in the justice system to help them identify early warning signs of vicarious trauma and to build and sustain their own motivation when working with these youth.
Society for Safe and Caring Schools & Communities (SACSC):
Community Engagement to Prevent Youth Gang Involvement - Phase 1
- Location
- Edmonton, Alberta
- Duration
- 2013/01/17 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $30,210.00
The recipient will work collaboratively with school, community and police partners to conduct community assessments to address youth within the criminal justice system who are involved with gangs or are at risk of being involved with gangs. The project will assess any efforts made to date to address youth gangs, build networks among stakeholders to support the review of existing efforts, and develop recommendations that may lead to the development of initiatives to reduce youth gang involvement.
The Students Commission of Canada:
The Development of Youth-Adult Leadership Teams in Closed Custody Settings
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/01/09 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $38,941.00
The recipient proposes to provide training to select youth correctional officers at the New Brunswick Youth Centre and the Roy McMurtry Centre in Ontario on effective youth engagement (or adult ally training) with a specific focus on drug use. The training will be followed by the creation of youth leadership teams that will be run by young people with adult support within the correctional institutions. These youth-adult teams will consider the role that drugs have played in the lives of the young people, with a view to establishing clear goals and supports for the reintegration phase of their sentence.
Thompson Boys and Girls Club Inc.:
Global Appraisal of Individual Needs - Short Screener (GAIN-SS) Training
- Location
- Thompson, Manitoba
- Duration
- 2013/01/02 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $11,700.00
The recipient proposes to offer training sessions to youth workers in Thompson, Manitoba, on how to use the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs - Short Screener (GAIN-SS), a youth substance abuse and mental health screening tool. This training will provide early intervention strategies to better support youth involved in the justice system with illicit substance abuse issues.
University of Manitoba, Faculty of Social Work, Winnipeg Child & Family Services:
Community Assessment of a Gang Exit Strategy for Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Location
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Duration
- 2013/01/01 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $20,357.00
The recipient will conduct an assessment to develop a recommendation for a gang exit strategy in Winnipeg for youth involved in the criminal justice system who are involved with gangs or at risk of becoming involved with gangs. This will be achieved through a partnership with the Gang Action Inter-Agency Network (GAIN) of Winnipeg, a network of community-based youth violence programs dedicated to ending gang violence in Winnipeg. The assessment will include a consultation with youth on gang exit programs, interviews with key community leaders and a review of gang exit programs in North America.
Ganging up: Increasing the effectiveness of early intervention initiatives for gang-involved youth in Scarborough
- Location
- Toronto, Ontario
- Duration
- 2013/01/22 - 2013/03/31
- Total Youth Justice funding
- $12,082.00
The recipient will conduct an assessment to strengthen the effectiveness of their Clean Break Initiative, an early intervention program for youth offenders, particularly those who are involved with gangs, in Scarborough. The assessment will also build networks and raise awareness of the Initiative.
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