Inventory of Spousal Violence Risk Assessment Tools Used in Canada
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Objective
- 3. Methodology
- 3.1 Update
- 4. Findings
- 5. Description of Tools, Investigative Checklists and Protocols
- 5.1 Aid to Safety Assessment Planning (ASAP)
- 5.2 Alberta Integrated Threat and Risk Assessment Centre (I-TRAC)
- 5.3 Bail Safety Program Interview Checklist
- 5.4 Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER)
- 5.5 Court Information Package
- 5.6 Cross-sectoral memoranda on domestic violence
- 5.7 Danger Assessment
- 5.8 Decision-Making Assessment Protocol for Domestic Violence (D-MAP DV)
- 5.9 Provincial Court- Domestic Violence, Moncton
- 5.10 Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI)
- 5.11 Domestic Violence Police Investigation Checklist
- 5.12 Domestic Violence Supplementary Report Form (DVSRF)
- 5.13 Factors to Consider When Domestic Violence Safety Planning
- 5.14 Family Violence Investigation Report (FVIR)
- 5.15 Family Violence Risk Factor Checklist
- 5.16 Guide d'Intervention Info-Social pour prévenir les homicides intrafamiliaux
- 5.17 HCR-20
- 5.18 High Risk Case Coordination Protocol Framework
- 5.19 Intervening with men to prevent domestic homicide
- 5.20 Level of Service Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI)
- 5.21 Level of Service Inventory-R (LSI-R)
- 5.22 Offender Risk Assessment Management System –Primary Risk Assessment (ORAMS-PRA)
- 5.23 Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA)
- 5.24 Ontario Provincial Police Criminal Behavioural Analysis Unit – Threat Assessment (CBAU-TA)
- 5.25 Preventing Domestic Homicide of Women - Checklist
- 5.26 Preventing Domestic Homicide of Women: An Intervention Guide
- 5.27 Professional Assessment
- 5.28 Protocol for Highest Risk Cases
- 5.29 Risk Management System
- 5.30 Risk of Sexual Violence Protocol (RSVP)
- 5.31 Saskatchewan Primary Risk Assessment (SPRA)
- 5.32 Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA)
- 5.33 Spousal/Partner Abuse, Assault Court Package Supplement
- 5.34 Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM)
- 5.35 Summary of Domestic Violence Risk Factors (Police Online Training Investigative Job Aid)
- 5.36 Tool to assess the safety of victims of domestic violence and of their loved ones
- 5.37 Threat Assessment Questions for Field Personnel
- 5.38 Violence in Relationship Investigative Checklist
- 5.39 Violence in Relationships – Investigative Procedures Guide
- 5.40 Woman Abuse Protocols
- 5.41 Yellowknife Interagency Family Violence Protocol
- 6. Conclusion
- Date modified: