A One-Day Snapshot of Aboriginal Youth in Custody Across Canada : Phase II
The authors would like to thank the following members of the National Youth Justice Research Advisory Working Group for their advice, guidance and assistance in collecting the Snapshot data. This project would not have been possible without their collaboration and support .
- Newfoundland and Labrador:
Paul Ludlow
- Prince Edward Island:
Karen MacDonald
- Nova Scotia:
Paul Smith
- New Brunswick:
- Anne McKay
- Doug Naish
- Bob Eckstein
- Ontario:
- Cynthia Franko
- Marilyn King
- Jeff Wright
- Jo-Ann Ferris
- Kathy Underhill
- Lee Tustin
- Manitoba:
- Dale Tesarowski
- Ron Coles
- Saskatchewan:
- Betty Ann Pottruff
- Ron Simpson
- Alberta:
Colleen Goertz
- British Columbia:
- Toby Louie
- Steve Howell
- Yukon:
- Angie Senft
- Paddy Colfer
- Nunavut:
- Jacques Fortier
- Jean Philippe Deroy
- Northwest Territories:
Chris MacConnell
In addition, the authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the work of the Sharing Circle Research Team - Art Shofley (Facilitator), Rick Kosowan (Co-facilitator) and Holly Pelky (Note taker) - whose dedication to this project and tireless efforts during the summer of 2003 were instrumental in better understanding the experiences of Aboriginal youth in custody.
Finally, we would like to thank the numerous youth who participated in the Sharing Circles across the country. We can only hope our interpretation of their words give adequate meaning to their experiences.
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