Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Appendix B: Data Collection Instruments

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund
Guide for representatives of the FAJEF and the Quebec English-speaking legal community

The Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice is conducting an Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (the Support Fund). The Support Fund was created following the launch of the Action Plan for Official Languages in 2003. The table below lists the main objectives of the Support Fund and the Support Fund activities covered by this evaluation.

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund



The evaluation looks at the relevance, implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Support Fund. The Evaluation Division has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct the evaluation.

As part of the evaluation, we will carry out a literature review, an analysis of project files, a survey of jurists, a survey of Support Fund recipients and interviews with key informants representing a broad range of stakeholders. We will report all the information we gather in a consolidated form. The interview notes will not be distributed outside PRA Inc. and the Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice.


1. In what capacity are you involved with the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund?


2.  In your opinion, are the objectives of the Support Fund in line with the federal government's priorities regarding access to justice in both official languages? Please explain your response.





14.  Do you have any other comments?

Thank you for your participation.

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Guide for representatives of the Support Fund, members of the Advisory Committee – Justice in Official Languages, and members of the Sub-Committee on Access to Justice in Both Official Languages

The Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice is conducting an Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (the Support Fund). The Support Fund was created following the launch of the Action Plan for Official Languages in 2003. The table below lists the main objectives of the Support Fund and the Support Fund activities covered by this evaluation.

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund



The evaluation looks at the relevance, implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Support Fund. The Evaluation Division has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct the evaluation.

As part of the evaluation, we will carry out a literature review, an analysis of project files, a survey of jurists, a survey of Support Fund recipients and interviews with key informants representing a broad range of stakeholders. We will report all the information we gather in a consolidated form. The interview notes will not be distributed outside PRA Inc. and the Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice.


1. In what capacity are you involved with the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund?


Structure and Implementation




23.  Do you have any other comments?

Thank you for your participation.

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Guide for provincial and territorial representatives

The Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice is conducting an Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (the Support Fund). The Support Fund was created following the launch of the Action Plan for Official Languages in 2003. The table below lists the main objectives of the Support Fund and the Support Fund activities covered by this evaluation.

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund



The evaluation looks at the relevance, implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Support Fund. The Evaluation Division has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct the evaluation.

As part of the evaluation, we will carry out a literature review, an analysis of project files, a survey of jurists, a survey of Support Fund recipients and interviews with key informants representing a broad range of stakeholders. We will report all the information we gather in a consolidated form. The interview notes will not be distributed outside PRA Inc. and the Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice.


1.  In what capacity are you involved with the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund?


2.   In your opinion, are the objectives of the Support Fund in line with the federal government's priorities regarding access to justice in both official languages? Please explain your response.





16.  Do you have any other comments?

Thank you for your participation.

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Guide for representatives of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (OCOL) and the Canadian Heritage (PCH) Official Languages Secretariat

The Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice is conducting an Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (the Support Fund). The Support Fund was created following the launch of the Action Plan for Official Languages in 2003. The table below lists the main objectives of the Support Fund and the Support Fund activities covered by this evaluation.

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund



The evaluation looks at the relevance, implementation, achievements and cost-effectiveness of the Support Fund. The Evaluation Division has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct the evaluation.

As part of the evaluation, we will carry out a literature review, an analysis of project files, a survey of jurists, a survey of Support Fund recipients and interviews with key informants representing a broad range of concerned parties. We will report all the information we gather in a consolidated form. The interview notes will not be distributed outside PRA Inc. and the Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice.


1.  In what capacity are you involved with the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund?


Effectiveness /Impact



11.  Do you have any comments?

Thank you for your input.

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Guide for the Associate Deputy Minister

The Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice is conducting an Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (the Support Fund). The Support Fund was created following the launch of the Action Plan for Official Languages in 2003. The table below lists the main objectives of the Support Fund and the Support Fund activities covered by this evaluation.

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund



The evaluation looks at the relevance, implementation, achievements and cost-effectiveness of the Support Fund. The Evaluation Division has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct the evaluation.

As part of the evaluation, we will carry out a literature review, an analysis of project files, a survey of jurists, a survey of Support Fund recipients and interviews with key informants representing a broad range of concerned parties. We will report all the information we gather in a consolidated form. The interview notes will not be distributed outside PRA Inc. and the Evaluation Division of the Department of Justice.


1.  In what capacity are you involved with the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund?





11.  Do you have any comments?

Thank you for your input.

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (Support Fund)

Survey of French-Speaking Jurists

The Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund provides financial assistance to eligible organizations to carry out activities and projects that help increase access to justice in both official languages. The Department of Justice of Canada has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct an evaluation of the Support Fund. The evaluation looks at the relevance, implementation, achievements and cost-effectiveness of the Support Fund. We are asking you, as a jurist who practises in the minority language, to take part in the evaluation.

Your input is important to us. We realize that your time is valuable and appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. We would like to reassure you that any information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Your name will not be associated in any way with any comments you make, and all responses will be reported in a consolidated form.

Please note that this questionnaire is to be completed on screen. For each question, click in the text box and either enter your response, check the appropriate box, or select the option that matches your response. Save the new document and return it to us by e-mail at within two or three weeks.

If you have any questions about the survey or the evaluation, or if you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, contact Danielle Muise of PRA Inc. at 1-866-422-8468 (toll free). Thank you for your cooperation.

Pour obtenir une version française de ce document,
veuillez communiquer avec
Danielle Muise :    Tél. : 1-866-422-8468

Section A: Respondent's Profile

Section B: Membership in an Association

Section C: Professional Development

Section D: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Please return this e-mail to:

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (Support Fund)
Survey of English-speaking Jurists

The Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund provides financial assistance to eligible organizations to carry out activities and projects that help increase access to justice in both official languages. The Department of Justice of Canada has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct an evaluation of the Support Fund. The evaluation will examine the relevance, implementation, progress achieved, and cost effectiveness of the Support Fund. As a jurist practicing in the minority official language, we are inviting you to take part in the evaluation.

Your input is important to us. We realize that your time is valuable and appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. We would like to reassure you that any information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Your name will not be associated in any way with any comments you make, and all responses will be reported in aggregate form.

Please note that this questionnaire is to be completed on screen. For each question, please click in the space provided and, as appropriate, type in your response, check the appropriate box, or select the option that matches your response. Save the new document and return it to us by e-mail at within two or three weeks.

If you have any questions about the survey or the evaluation, or if you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, contact Danielle Muise of PRA Inc. at 1-866-422-8468 (toll free). Thank you for your cooperation.

Pour obtenir une version française de ce document,
veuillez communiquer avec
Danielle Muise    Tél. 1-866-422-8468

Section A: Respondent's profile

Section B: Legal support

Section C: Professional development

Section D: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Please return it by e-mail to

Evaluation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (Support Fund)

Survey of Support Fund Recipients

The Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund provides financial assistance to eligible organizations to carry out activities and projects that help increase access to justice in both official languages. The Department of Justice of Canada has hired an independent research firm, PRA Inc., to conduct an evaluation of the Support Fund. The evaluation will examine the relevance, implementation, progress achieved, and cost effectiveness of the Support Fund. As a representative of an organization that has received assistance from the Support Fund, we are inviting you to take part in the evaluation.

Your input is important to us. We realize that your time is valuable and appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. We would like to reassure you that any information you provide will remain strictly confidential. Your name will not be associated in any way with any comments you make, and all responses will be reported in aggregate form.

Please note that this questionnaire is to be completed on screen. For each question, please click in the space provided and, as appropriate, type in your response, check the appropriate box, or select the option that matches your response. Save the new document and return it to us by e-mail at within two or three weeks.

If you have any questions about the survey or the evaluation, or if you would like a hard copy of the questionnaire, contact Danielle Muise of PRA Inc. at 1-866-422-8468 (toll free). Thank you for your cooperation.

Pour obtenir une version française de ce document,
veuillez communiquer avec
Danielle Muise : Tél. : 1-866-422-8468

Section A: General Information

Various categories of recipients are eligible for assistance from the Support Fund to carry out different types of activities. The following questions will help us establish a profile of respondents.

For each application you submitted to the Support Fund, please indicate the category of support under which it falls and whether or not the application was accepted. (If you need more space, use the space provided in Question 32.)

Applications submitted to the Support Fund
Project Name Accepted Rejected Category of Support
(check all that apply)
1. 1 2 1 2 3 4
2. 1 2 1 2 3 4
3. 1 2 1 2 3 4
4. 1 2 1 2 3 4
5. 1 2 1 2 3 4
6. 1 2 1 2 3 4

Section B: Goals and Objectives of the Support Fund

Section C: Structure and Implementation of the Support Fund

Section D: Achievements and Cost Effectiveness of the Support Fund

Section E: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Please return it by e-mail to: