Family Violence Initiative Evaluation, Final Report
ANNEXE A: Data Collection Instruments
Case Study Interview Guide - National Mobile Training Module for Shelter Workers in Inuit Communities
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is and I am calling from X Company. On behalf of the Department of Justice, we are conducting an evaluation of the Department of Justice Canada Family Violence Initiative (FVI). As part of this process, we are conducting case studies with several initiatives supported through the FVI. According to our information, you have participated in the National Mobile Training Module for Shelter Workers in Inuit Communities implemented within the scope of the FVI. Do you have time now to answer some questions about this training?
- Name
- Position
- Organization
- Telephone Number
1. What was you involvement in this training?
2. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all useful, 3 is somewhat useful, and 5 is very useful, how useful do you believe the training module is for shelter workers?
- 1. No at all successful
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Very successful
- N/A
- 2a. In what respects is it particularly useful?
- 2b. In your opinion, what parts or aspects tend to be less useful?
3. What did you learn personally from the training and/or use of resources and tools?
4. How are the results of the training used? For example, what if any actions tend to be taken or changes made based on the information provided? Did this training or the information provided change the way you offer services?
5. (If so) What impact do these actions or changes have?
6. What recommendations or suggestions do you have regarding how the training modules could be improved or made more useful to you?
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