Management Response and Action Plan

Project Title: Evaluation of the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program

Responsibility Centre: Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section, Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Portfolio, Justice Canada

Conclusions Recommendation Management Response Action Plan Responsible Manager (Title) Planned Implementation Date

The ADM-level Steering Committee was generally recognized as an important component of the Program’s multi-departmental governance, but concerns were expressed over the committee’s functionality and effectiveness, given the general lack of involvement of ADMs in the committee.

The evaluation also found that the Program had undertaken substantial work to identify issues affecting program operations and organize efforts to resolve these issues. A number of innovative subcommittees have been established to improve the operation of the Program, however, the work of some of these ‘problem solving’ subcommittees are often stalled due to various reasons, including a lack of funds and human resources. Consequently, several subcommittees that have been tasked with solving key ongoing operational issues, such as coordination and information sharing, have not reported on any results, nor is there evidence that the issues they were to address have been resolved. This leaves an open question over whether the governance structure is operating effectively (i.e., addressing all key issues) or efficiently (i.e., not wasting resources or effort on ultimately unnecessary initiatives). Additionally, more than half of the Program budget can be accounted for only in general terms, making it challenging to understand how partners internally allocate resources to Program activities, including supporting activities such as knowledge management, training and program coordination.

In order to strengthen the Program operations and governance, the following recommendation is submitted:

It is recommended that the Steering Committee undertake a review of the expected outcomes and the range and employment of remedies.  Resources should then be aligned with the outcomes, with consideration of training and information-sharing needs.  Finally, the governance should be considered including terms of reference and membership for each committee /subcommittee to ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly articulated and a lead is identified for each department to monitor performance and expenditures as well as liaise internally and amongst Program partners.


The Steering Committee will undertake an operational review of the Program. 

The review will include a series of meetings commencing in Fall 2016 to:

  • review the Final Report and consider its conclusions;
  • examine the Program information, documents, files and databases reviewed for the evaluation and any other supplemental information, to inform the factual basis for the review discussion;
  • discuss the activities and outcomes of the Program.

The Steering Committee will consider the following issues relating to the efficiency and effectiveness of the Program:

  • the nature and sources of Program funding;
  • Program governance structures and accountability;
  • the expected Program outcomes;
  • the range and employment of remedies available to the Program;
  • training needs;
  • information-sharing issues; and
  • other relevant issues raised by Program partners.

A document outlining the agreed implementation plan will be provided by the Steering Committee to the Program Coordination and Operations Committee (PCOC) by March 2017.

Partners will put into operation the implementation plan, beginning in the 2017-18 fiscal year. PCOC members will report on the progress of implementation in their respective department/agency at regular PCOC meetings. PCOC will report to the Steering Committee on the progress of implementation.

Overall Direction:

Deputy Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety, Defence and Immigration (Chair of Steering Committee)


Director and General Counsel, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Section (Chair of PCOC)

March 2017