Results at a glance - Evaluation of the Professional Development Function (March 2018)

The purpose of the Professional Development (PD) function is to equip employees with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively deliver on their work objectives. Employees can develop new skills to meet both departmental business requirements and career aspirations. PD training is required for Justice Counsel by law societies in order to maintain their licenses to practice law. The function is based on three main delivery providers:

What was found


Recommendation 1: Establish an overarching governance mechanism for the departmental professional development function. The governance mechanism should include representation at a senior level across portfolios and sectors (including regional offices reporting through National Litigation Sector [NLS]) to provide oversight and high-level guidance, and to ensure that learning activities address departmental and governmental priorities.

Recommendation 2: Establish an overarching, integrated framework for the professional development function within the Department, which would include clarification of the mandate for the departmental PD providers, as well as clear roles and responsibilities for portfolios and sectors (including regional offices through NLS).

Recommendation 3: Develop a performance measurement strategy to measure the performance of the PD function.

About the evaluation

The evaluation of the Department of Justice PD function covers a five-year period (2012-13 to 2016-17) and was completed in accordance with Treasury Board’s Policy on Results (2016). Its main objective was to assess the performance (effectiveness and efficiency) of the professional development function.

For the full report, please visit the Evaluation Division website.