2017 to 2018 Fees Report


Date: April 30, 2019

Location: 2017 to 2018 Fees Report, General and financial information by fee category, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act

Other information:

“The Family Support Orders and Agreements Garnishment Regulations set out a fee that can be charged to support payers to process a garnishee summons under Part II of the FOAEAA. The fee is $190 for a five year period and is collected in yearly installments of $38. The fee can be collected from the day that the garnishee summons became binding. The fee can only be collected from garnishable moneys payable to the support payer after garnishment has taken place. Any fees not collected can be collected in a subsequent year during the five-year binding period. Any portion of the fees that is not collected during the five-year binding period is remitted (i.e. no longer owed by the support payer) either at the end of the five-year period or sooner if a garnishment application is terminated.”


“Actual revenue and full cost figures cannot be compared directly because of differences in the basis of accounting for revenue and costs. Revenues are calculated on an accrual accounting basis, while costs are calculated on a cash basis.”

Financial information:

Financial totals for all fee categories:

Rationale for the revision:

Revenues were shown on an accrual basis of accounting while costs were shown on a cash basis. This revision is to restate the financial information using the same accounting method for revenues, costs and remissions for comparability purposes.

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