Profile and Projection of Drug Offences

In Manitoba

Figure 1. Number of adults charged with drug offences, by drug type, Manitoba, 1977-1998

fig 1 Number of adults charged with drug offences by drug type Manitoba 1977-1998

Source : Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR), Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics


Figure 1 above is a broken-line graph showing the number of adults charged with drug offences, by type of drug, in Manitoba from 1977 to 1998. The X axis shows the year; the Y axis shows the number of adults charged, in increments of 500, from 0 to 2,500. There are four broken lines: one (pale blue) showing the number of charges involving cannabis; one (pink) showing the number of charges involving cocaine; one (dark blue) showing the number of charges involving heroin; and one (yellow) showing the number of charges involving other drugs.

The number of charges in connection with cannabis from 1977 to 1998 ranges from 856 to 2,109. Despite a few fluctuations, there is a downward trend, with the result that the number in 1998 is only slightly over half the number in 1977.

The number of charges in connection with heroin range from 0 to 17 and thus are very low and stable.

The number of charges in connection with cocaine and other drugs follow practically the same trends, not exceeding 216. The number of charges involving cocaine increases slightly more from 1990 to 1998.