Forum on Vulnerable Young Francophones in Minority Communities

10. Forum evaluation

Since this forum was the first event of its kind in Francophone minority communities and it brought together participants who acted together for the first time, the working group prepared a detailed assessment tool. The forum's organization scheduled regional and national discussions. The organizers were trying to determine whether there were significant similarities or differences between the regions and between the community and government participants.

In all, 39 participants completed the evaluation form: 21 representatives from community organizations and 18 officials from government institutions.

10.1. Quantitative evaluation

The quantitative evaluation measured the level of satisfaction among participants regarding the following items:

A scale of 1 to 5 was used, where 1 = not satisfied and 5 = very satisfied. On a scale of 1 to 5, the median is 3.

10.1.1. Overall evaluation by sub-group, category of participants and overall assessment

Figure 1 shows the results of the overall assessment.

Figure 1 – Overall Assessment – Quantitative Evaluation – Forum on Vulnerable Young Francophones in Minority Communities

Overall Assessment Graph


10.1.2. Overall assessment for each item measured

Figure 2 shows the results of the overall assessment for each item evaluated.

Figure 2 – Overview, assessment of each item evaluated

Overall assessment for each item evaluated


10.1.3. Overall assessment by item evaluated, federal institutions and community organizations

Figure 3 and Figure 4 compare the government and community representatives' results for each item evaluated.

Figure 3 – Overall assessment for each item evaluated – federal institutions

Overall assessment for each item evaluated – federal institutions


Figure 4 – Overall assessment for each item evaluated – community organizations

Overall assessment for each item evaluated – community organizations


10.1.4. Overall assessment by item evaluated, each regional sub-group and the national sub-group

The next figures show the results for each regional sub-group and the national sub-group. Each sub-group consisted of government and community group representatives.

The significant points of comparison are described below.

In descending order, the overall results are similar. The Ontario and Prairies regions produced the highest ratings.

The level of appreciation regarding discussions on potential collaborative arrangements varied from one region to another. There was more than a one-point difference between the national sub-group and the Ontario regional sub-group. The Ontario region gave this item the higher rating.

Results for the other items are comparable and are either near or above the 4.0 average.

Figure 5 – Assessment of the items evaluated – Pacific and Territories region

Assessment of the items evaluated – Pacific and Territories region


Figure 6 – Assessment of the items evaluated – Prairies region

Assessment of the items evaluated – Prairies region


Figure 7 – Assessment of the items evaluated – Ontario region

Assessment of the items evaluated – Ontario region


Figure 8 – Assessment of the items evaluated – Atlantic region

Assessment of the items evaluated – Atlantic region


Figure 9 – Assessment of the items evaluated – National sub-group

Assessment of the items evaluated – National sub-group


10.2. Qualitative assessment of the forum

The following sections summarize the participants' comments in response to the qualitative assessment questions.

10.2.1. To what extent was objective 1 achieved?

Objective 1: Enable federal institutions to better understand the needs of vulnerable young Francophones living in minority communities who are at risk of becoming involved with the justice system.

Ten government representatives answered this question. Eight indicated that the objective had been achieved and two indicated that it had not been fully achieved.

Twelve community representatives answered this question.

Seven respondents believed that this objective was achieved.

Five respondents were unsure.

10.2.2. To what extent was objective 2 achieved?

Objective 2: Enable representatives of community groups to better understand the mandates and programs of federal institutions in this area.

Nine community representatives answered this question.

Six respondents felt that this objective was achieved.

Two people were not sure.

Ten government representatives answered this question.

Nine people felt that this objective was achieved.

One person said no.

10.2.3. To what extent was objective 3 achieved?

Objective 3: Give representatives from federal institutions and community group the opportunity to discuss potential collaborations and initiatives that could be implemented to reach these clients.

Eleven community participants answered this question.

One participant was not sure.

In our group, this was partially achieved.

Eleven government participants answered this question. The 11 respondents felt that this objective was achieved.

10.2.4. What was most appreciated

Twenty of the 21 community participants who completed the evaluation form answered this question.

Sixteen of the 18 government participants who completed the evaluation form answered this question.

10.2.5. Suggestions for improving the next forum.

Fifteen community participants answered this question.

Sixteen government participants answered this question.

10.2.6. Other comments

Eight community representatives added closing comments.

Six government representatives added closing comments.