Forum on Vulnerable Young Francophones in Minority Communities
11.4. Appendix 4: Forum evaluation form
- Type of participant (check the appropriate box):
- Community organization representative
- Federal government department or institution
- I work:
- At the national level
- In the following region:
- Pacific and Territories
- Prairie
- Ontario
- Quebec
- Atlantic
- Please provide your quantitative evaluation of the following items by checking the appropriate box.
Scale: 1= not satisfied, 5= very satisfied
Items evaluated 1 2 3 4 5 a) Information received prior to the forum b) Informal discussions during the forum c) Daniel Sansfaçon opening remarks d) Information messages e) The morning sub-group discussions during which participants introduced their organizations and communities f) The afternoon sub-group sessions during which participants discussed initiatives that could be implemented g) Afternoon plenary session h) Information messages presented by the federal institutions i) Forum location: meal, room j) Facilitation of the day
- My recommendations for follow-up to this forum are:
- Please provide your qualitative evaluation of the following items. (Use other side of sheet if necessary.)
- 5.1 To what extent were the forum's objectives achieved?
- Enable federal institutions to better understand the needs of vulnerable young Francophones living in minority communities who are at risk of becoming involved with the justice system.
- Enable representatives of community groups to better understand the mandates and programs of federal institutions in this area.
- Give representatives from federal institutions and community groups the opportunity to discuss potential collaborations and initiatives that could be implemented to reach these clients.
- 5.2 What did I like the most about this forum?
- 5.3 Here are some suggestions for improving the next forum, if necessary:
- 5.4 Other comments:
- 5.1 To what extent were the forum's objectives achieved?
- Date modified: