Forum on Vulnerable Young Francophones in Minority Communities

3. Opening remarks by Daniel Sansfaçon, Public Safety Canada

Daniel Sansfaçon explained public policy as it relates to vulnerable young people in minority communities. In general, public policy has at least three important characteristics:

When it came to public policy on vulnerable Francophone youths in minority communities, the stakeholders did not all see things the same way. For some, it was a psychosocial problem, while others viewed it as a social inclusion issue. However, all parties had a common understanding of safety, in the broadest sense, and the fact that "ensuring security" was one of the state's core functions.

Research has confirmed that various risk factors make young people more likely to become involved in a life of crime. The reason why Public Safety Canada and federal institutions organized this forum was to better understand Francophone minority communities, and whether there were risk factors among youths in these communities that differed from the risk factors that affected the neighbouring majority.