Family Justice Services Western
Final Evaluation



Family Justice Services Western Pilot Project
Participant Interview Guide

Interview mode: By phone  In person

Introduction / Consent

Family Justice Services Western provides services to assist families experiencing separation and divorce, as a pilot project of the Department of Justice Canada and the provincial Department of Justice. The program is being evaluated by the IHRD Group, a Newfoundland consulting company with extensive experience in evaluating programs. We are interviewing a number of clients of the service, to assist the program and its funders in assessing its value and in improving services to the public. The interviews will focus on your involvement in the services of FJSW, not on your personal experiences of separation and divorce.

It is our understanding that you signed a consent as a client of the FJSW , agreeing to be contacted by evaluators / researchers about your experiences. Do you recall completing this consent? 

If yes, confirm that the client knows their participation is confidential and in no way affects their ability to receive services. If no, explain the purpose of the evaluation, and their protections, in terms of privacy and service. If the interview is done by phone, the person will provide a verbal consent and the interviewer will complete the question below. If in person, the client will receive a written consent form and sign indicating their consent.

The client was provided information about the evaluation and provided a verbal consent to participate.

  (If no, thank the person, assure them of their privacy, and discontinue the interview).

Awareness / Referral

Services Provided


7. Please rate your satisfaction with each of the services in which you participated, on the issues presented.

The satisfaction scale is a five point scale, where 1= very dissatisfied, 2= dissatisfied, 3= neutral, 4= satisfied, and 5= very satisfied.

Service Timeliness of service Qualifications of staff Fairness and safety of process approach of staff Outcome / resolution Comments
information session          
mediation (custody and access)          
mediation (property)          
support recalculation          
services overall          

Impact of Services

8. For each of the following aspects of service, please indicate its impact upon you.

Aspect of service Positive impact (yes / no) Comments
it increased my awareness of legal processes / options    
it facilitated referral to other services    
it promoted and facilitated mediation as opposed to court settlement    
it helped my parenting    
it reduced costs to me in the process    
other (specify)    

Overall Opinion of Services
