Annotated Bibliography on Comparative and International Law relating to Forced Marriage

10.0 Conclusions

10.1 Summary of the project

This annotated bibliography is intended to provide a foundation for any future research or policy development in the area of forced marriage. The purpose of this bibliography was to identify the relevant literature and case law relating to Canada's international obligations concerning forced marriages and to provide an overview of what other nations have done to address this issue. The bibliography outlines the initiatives of other nations and provides a brief overview of the topic; however, further research could provide added clarity to the extent of Canada's obligations under the various international treaties which address forced marriage through an examination of case law dealing with these treaties. In addition, obtaining more information and details about the scale of the problem within Canada before proceeding with discussions about policy development would be useful.

10.2 Highlights

There are also a wide variety of support and awareness programs in place for victims. By studying the public response to these initiatives, as well as their success rates, Canada can make more informed choices about its preferred action plan.

10.3 Implications

Since there is very little information regarding forced marriage in Canada, it is difficult to recommend specific steps the government should take to address the issue. As a first step, it would be beneficial to compile further information—statistics, testimonies, and other information from educators, non-governmental organizations, women's groups, and victims—in order to assess the extent of the situation in Canada.

Using the UK's initiatives as a template, a “working group” or some similar body could be established in order to gauge how the practice is affecting Canadian citizens, and to weigh the various policy options to determine which ones could be most effective. We believe that suggesting a particular course of action at this point in time would be premature, as it could not take into account the particulars of Canada's situation, since they are largely unknown and undocumented. It is only after a more thorough investigation which looks at the frequency, location, and extent of the problem that specific policy recommendations could be put forth.

While more information is needed, looking at initiatives which have been introduced in other countries can provide a starting point for discussion and may also help determine where further research is needed. These initiatives include:

In addition to obtaining more detailed information on forced marriage in Canada, as outlined above, further research could be done to expand upon what has been covered in this bibliography. Suggested research areas include:

The research for this project was not exhaustive, but is perhaps sufficient for understanding the primary areas of concern on the topic. Since this is a topic which is constantly evolving, newspapers proved most useful for determining what initiatives had been introduced, and gave insight into the public response to those initiatives. Government documents were also valuable in determining how the policies were implemented. Although some of the countries and topics had numerous sources confirming the information, it is important to note that for some countries only one or two isolated sources were found, and as such the authors of this report had to at times rely on a single author for their facts. Furthermore, since the research was only conducted in English (apart from the list of relevant French-language sources), some government websites and other secondary sources were not included due to language barriers.