Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines July 2008
Primary Sources
All of the following papers can be found on the Advisory Guidelines web site of the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto at
www.law.utoronto.ca/faculty/rogerson/ssag.html -
Rogerson, Carol. "Developing Spousal Support Guidelines in Canada: Beginning the Discussion" (December, 2002).
Rogerson, Carol and Rollie Thompson. "Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines: A Draft Proposal" (January 2005). Also available: Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines - July 2008
Rogerson, Carol and Rollie Thompson. "Issues for Discussion: Revising the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines" (August 2006).
Rogerson, Carol and Rollie Thompson. Advisory Guidelines Case Law Updates and Commentary:
- "The Advisory Guidelines 31 Months Later," Sept. 12, 2007.
- "The Advisory Guidelines 27 Months Later," April 18, 2007.
- "The Advisory Guidelines 20 Months Later," October 5, 2006.
- "The Advisory Guidelines 17 Months Later," June 28, 2006.
- "The Advisory Guidelines 16 Months Later: Cases, Criticisms and Responses, Revisions" (Revised), June 6, 2006.
Rogerson, Carol. "Spousal Support in Ontario: A Brief Update" (Sept. 20, 2007).
Rogerson, Carol and Rollie Thompson, "The Spousal Support Guidelines in B.C.: The Next Generation," (June 27, 2007).
Thompson, Rollie. "The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines in the Courts of Nova Scotia, 2005-2007," (April, 2007).
Secondary Sources
American Law Institute, Principles of the Law of Family Dissolution: Analysis and Recommendations (LexisNexis, 2002).
Aston, David. "Review Orders: Let’s Have Another Look" (2007), 26 C.F.L.Q. 253.
Bala, Nick. "Who is a ‘Parent’? ‘Standing in the Place of a Parent’ and Section 5 of the Child Support Guidelines" in Law Society of Upper Canada, Special Lectures 2006: Family Law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2007)
Canadian Bar Association, National Family Law Section, "Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines," May 2007.
Department of Justice, Children Come First: A Report to Parliament Reviewing the Provisions and Operation of the Federal Child Support Guidelines (Ottawa, 2002), Volume 2 at 23 28.
Fortin, Jean-Marie and Jocelyn Verdon. AliForm annoti Barhme quibicois: Aspects civils et fiscaux, 2nd ed. (Brossard: Publications CCH, 2004).
Goubau, Dominique. "Comparison of Federal and Quebec Regulations for Determining Child Support," and Jean-Marie Fortin, "Quebec Guidelines for the Determination of Child Support," in Federal Child Support Guidelines Reference Manual (Ottawa, 1998) at J-7 to J-25 and J-29 to J-41.
Mackinnon, V. Jennifer and E. Jane Murray. "Magical Mystery Tour: Seeking Greater Consistency in Spousal Support Awards" (2004), 22 Canadian Family Law Quarterly 215.
Rogerson, Carol. "The Canadian Law of Spousal Support" (2004), 38 Family Law Quarterly 69.
"Spousal Support Post-Bracklow: The Pendulum Swings Again?" (2001), 19 Canadian Family Law Quarterly 185.
"The Child Support Obligations of Step-Parents" (2001), 18 Can.J.Fam.L. 9.
Thompson, Rollie. "The Second Family Conundrum in Child Support" (2001), 18 Canadian Journal of Family Law 227.
"Everything is Broken: No More Spousal Support Principles?" unpublished paper prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia Family Law Conference, July 12-13, 2001 available online at www.cle.bc.ca.
"The Chemistry of Support: The Interaction of Spousal and Child Support" (2006), 25 C.F.L.Q. 251 at 284-288.
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