Fact Sheets in various languages

Fact Sheets in various languages

The following fact sheets are available in Indigenous and eight other languages, with an aim to ensure victims of crime have access to information about the rights of victims in the language of their choice. The eight other languages are Arabic, Chinese (simplified), German, Italian, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, and Ukrainian.

Victims’ Rights in Canada

Victim Impact Statement

Please note that this fact sheet is currently under review and is being revised to reflect legislative amendments made in October 2023, when reforms to strengthen victims’ rights became law.

Restitution Orders

Testimonial Aids for Young Victims and Witnesses

Testimonial Aids

Publication Bans

Please note that this fact sheet is currently under review and is being revised to reflect legislative amendments made in October 2023, when reforms to strengthen victims’ rights became law.

Community Impact Statements