Justice Partnership and Innovation Program - General

We are no longer accepting funding proposals. Please check this web site periodically for updates: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/fund-fina/cj-jp/fund-fond/proj.html.

Program Objective(s)

  • To promote and encourage involvement in the identification of emerging trends, issues and/or gaps and possible responses with respect to the justice system.
  • To promote innovations in the justice system to ensure greater access to the justice system.
  • To build knowledge, awareness, understanding and informed dialogue among justice stakeholders and/or the public on justice issues including access to justice, racism, official languages, anti-terrorism, sentencing and other emerging justice issues, including justice related issues in the international fora.
  • To inform Canadians about access to justice issues and the justice system in order to contribute to increased public understanding, participation, confidence and trust in the justice system.

Additional Information

This funding application form was developed to make the process as clear and as easy to complete as possible. Once completed this application should contain of all the necessary information that will be critical for making a funding decision.

If you have additional questions while completing this application, staff would be happy to help you and are available by email at: pb-dgp@justice.gc.ca

Please note that funding is limited, and therefore, not all eligible projects will be funded. The Department of Justice Canada thanks you for taking the time to complete and submit an application for funding.

Tell us about you

1.0 Applicant Information

1.1 Primary contact for this application

1.2 Would you like to add additional person(s) with signing authority? (2 maximum)  
First Person
Second Person

Minister Information

Mayor Information

1.3 Is your organization a (select one)
1.4 Is your organization incorporated?
1.5 Is your organization a registered band?
1.6 Is your organization registered as a charitable organization with the Canada Revenue Agency?
1.9 For Québec organizations only  
Are the majority of your members from the Québec public sector, that is, appointed by the Government of Québec, a minister, a government agency, a municipal body, a school board or another public agency?
Is your personnel appointed in accordance with the Public Service Act (of Québec - Chapter F-3.1.1)?
Is more than half of your financing derived from Québec public funds, that is, from the consolidated revenue fund, a government agency, a municipal body, a school body or another public agency?

If you answer "yes" to any one of the three questions in this section, your organization is required to provide a copy of the Ministerial Order allowing your organization to negotiate and enter into an agreement with Justice Canada either with your completed funding application or before a formal agreement will be offered by Justice Canada. For more information about this requirement, please see: "An Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif" (chapter M-30) on the Government of Québec’s website.

Tell us about your project

2.1 Anticipated timeframe (yyyy-mm-dd). Please select the date from the date picker.
2.2 Will this funding application be submitted to another federal department?

2.2.1 Is this application for a continuation/next phase of a previously funded application?

Please ensure it is clear that your project aligns with the mandatory elements and will contribute to planned outcomes outlined in the Theme description. If applicable, include any adaptations or additions that you are considering to improve the proposed project, as well as describe any special considerations that would apply to your context.

If your organization is lacking some relevant expertise/experience but will supplement this gap through partners and/or professionals/consultants, please describe.

2.7 Who will directly benefit (target population) from this project?

If applicable, describe how your project takes into consideration the needs of the French-speaking people outside Quebec or English-speaking people in Quebec.

2.12 How will you measure the impact or success of your project (select all that apply)?
2.15 Will your project require partnership with others?  
Partner #1
Has the partnership been confirmed?
Is this a new or ongoing relationship?
Partner #2
Has the partnership been confirmed?
Is this a new or ongoing relationship?
Partner #3
Has the partnership been confirmed?
Is this a new or ongoing relationship?

Project Workplan

2.17 Using this table, please list the activities including the timeframe, who will be responsible, and the outputs for each activity that you will undertake to complete this project  
Activity #1
Activity #2
Activity #3
2.18 Budget  
Current project start and end dates (Note: Theme 1 Projects cannot exceed 30 months in duration)
Justice Canada Cash Contributions  
Contribution #1
Contribution #2
Contribution #3
Contribution #4
Contribution #5
Contribution #6
Other Cash Contributions  
Contribution #1
Contribution #2
Contribution #3
Contribution #4
Contribution #5
Contribution #6
In-Kind Contributions (In-kind is the amount of funding that is given in goods and/or services rather than money)  
Contribution #1
Contribution #2
Contribution #3
Contribution #4
Contribution #5
Contribution #6
2.20 In the last 5 years, has the federal government audited your organization? (if yes, you will be asked to provide a copy of the audit report(s) )
2.21 Does your organization receive a GST/HST rebate from the federal government?


In the event that your funding application is successful, you will be required to provide banking information in order to permit electronic payments.

Departmental funding may be used only for the purposes specified in this application. Once the Department has agreed to grant financial assistance, no major change can be made to the project without departmental approval (in each case, the Department shall determine what constitutes a major change). Funds not used for these purposes must be returned to the Department.

The organization bears full responsibility for its debts. The Department will not consider any request for assistance in settling debts. The organization must agree to comply with all provincial, territorial and federal legislation. The Department's financial contribution must be explicitly acknowledged and must be mentioned in publications funded by the Department. A typical form of acknowledgement is: "We acknowledge the financial support of the Department of Justice Canada".

With regard to the project or programming for which funding is requested, the organization shall agree to comply with the spirit and intent of the Official Languages Act by implementing the appropriate linguistic measures.

By signing this application, (the applicant) authorizes the Department of Justice Canada to disclose any information received in this application within the Department and the Government of Canada or to outside entities for the following purposes: to reach a decision on this application, to administer and monitor the implementation of the project or programming, or to evaluate the results of the project or programming after project completion. This disclosure of any information received in this application may also be used to reach a decision on any other application of the applicant for funding under any other departmental program.

In the event of an access to information request regarding the present funding application or any relevant information about the organization in the Department's possession, the information provided to the Department will be entirely disclosed, with the exception of personal information, which will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Any person lobbying on the recipient’s behalf must be registered under the federal Lobbyists Registration Act.


I declare that

  • the information in this application is accurate and complete;
  • the application is made on behalf of the organization named, whose name appears in Part 1, with its full knowledge and consent;
  • if financial assistance is granted, the organization shall undertake to provide financial statements and reports on results pursuant to the requirements of the Department of Justice Canada;
  • if financial assistance is provided, the organization shall agree to an assessment of the funded project or programming pursuant to the requirements of the Department of Justice Canada;
  • no public servant or holder of public office, past or present, who is in breach of the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector or the Conflict of Interest Act shall derive a direct benefit from the requested funding;
  • this organization has not paid or agreed to pay, directly or indirectly, and agrees that it shall not pay, directly or indirectly, any contingency fees for the solicitation, negotiation or acquisition of funding for the purposes of this application.