An Estimation of the Economic Impact of Violent Victimization in Canada, 2009

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Research and Statistics Division

Department of Justice Government of Canada

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©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, 2014


We are very grateful to the many people who supported and made significant contributions to this report.

First, we acknowledge the excellent comments, insights, and guidance from our external reviewers: Professor Michael Burns (Memorial University) and Professor Holly Johnson (University of Ottawa). They both challenged and assisted us immensely, and because of their efforts this work is stronger, more accurate, and more refined.

We further acknowledge the assistance of Statistics Canada, particularly those who work with the General Social Survey and at the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. From the Department of Justice, we thank the Director of the Research and Statistics Division, Stephen Mihorean, for supporting this work, as well as all those involved in editing and reviewing (Alyson MacLean and Albert Brews). We also thank Ab Currie for help with the legal aid sections of the report, Salena Brickey for her comments, Lara Rooney for help with the Victims Fund costs, and other government officials — both federal and provincial/territorial — for help with project and program costs.

Finally, everyone listed in the acknowledgements section of our related report on the costs of spousal violence played an important role in this report, whether they know it or not, as so much of this current report is based on the hard work and dedication that made that earlier report such a success.