Family Violence Initiative Evaluation, Final Report
ANNEXE A: Data Collection Instruments
Case Study Interview Guide: General
(For Lead Proponents of Case Studies)
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is and I am calling from X Company. On behalf of the Department of Justice, we are conducting an evaluation of the Department of Justice Canada Family Violence Initiative (FVI). As part of this process, we are conducting case studies of particular activities supported funded through the FVI. According to our information, you were involved with . Do you have time now to answer some questions about this?
- Name
- Position
- Organization
- Phone Number
- Case Study
1. We understand that you were involved with the which was supported through the Department of Justice Canada under the FVI. What was your role with respect to this project, event or activity?
2. What other staff resources are involved in delivering the project, event or activity? What is the role of these other resources relative to yours?
3. (If a project or event) What led to the development of this project or event?
4. Was this project or event developed in response to the availability of funding from the Initiative or was it already being considered or developed?
- Developed in response to funding from the Strategy
- Was already planned
- Other ()
- Don’t know/don’t recall
5. What was the total budget for the project or event?
6. Apart from the funding provided by the Department of Justice Canada FVI component, what other sources of funding were used for this project or event?
7. What is the current status of the project or event?
- Completed (when)
- Ongoing
- Suspended (started but not completed)
- Start-up
- Cancelled
- Other ()
- Don’t know/don’t recall
8. Was the event or project implemented as planned? Were the expected outputs produced?
Implemented as planned
- Yes
- Somewhat
- No
- Don’t know/ Not sure
Expected outputs produced
- Yes
- Somewhat
- No
- Don’t know/ Not sure
- 8a. (If no or somewhat) What changes or modifications occurred?
- 8b. (if no or somewhat) What was the rationale for those changes or modifications?
- 8c. (If no or somewhat) What was the effect of the changes and modifications on the success of the project or event?
1. What did you see as the primary objectives of the project or event? What key issue(s) are they designed to address?
2. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all successful, 3 is somewhat successful and 5 is very successful, how successful do you think the project or event has been in achieving these objectives?
- 1. No at all successful
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Very successful
- N/A
- 2a. Why do you say that?
3. In what respects has the project or event been particularly successful?
4. In what respects has the project or event been less successful?
5. The projects and events funded through the Department of Justice Canada FVI could potentially generate a variety of different types of impacts. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is no impact at all in that area, 3 is somewhat of an impact, and 5 is a major impact, how much of an impact do you believe that your project or event has had to date in terms of:
Strengthening capacity of the justice system to address family violence?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has strengthened capacity of the justice system to address family violence?
Improving the availability and accessibility of public and professional legal educational materials and information on family violence?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has improved the availability and accessibility of public and professional legal educational materials and information on family violence?
Increasing ability of stakeholders and communities to address needs of those affected by family violence?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has increased ability of stakeholders and communities to address needs of those affected by family violence?
Enhancing public awareness and understanding of family violence and the justice system?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has enhanced public awareness and understanding of family violence and the justice system?
Enhancing professional awareness, understanding and skills to address family violence?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has enhanced professional awareness, understanding and skills to address family violence?
Improving responsiveness of the justice system to address family violence?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has improved responsiveness of the justice system to address family violence?
Contributing to Canada’s progress in reducing family violence?
- 1. No Impact
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Major Impact
- N/A
Why do you say that?
(if 3 or more) What would you highlight as specific examples where the activity has contributed to Canada’s progress in reducing family violence?
6. What other impacts (negative or positive) were generated?
7. What are some of the key factors that contributed to the success achieved?
8. What do you see as some of the factors that have constrained the success?
9. In your opinion, were the resources provided by the Department of Justice for this project or activity used efficiently?
- Yes
- Somewhat
- No
- Not sure/don’t know
- 9a. Why do you say that?
10. What actions have been taken since the activity was completed? How are the results being used? By whom? How widely have they been used? Will it lead to future initiatives or projects?
11. Looking back over your involvement in this activity, what do you see as some of the key lessons that have been learned and best practices that have developed?
12. Who else do you recommend that we contact as part of this case study?
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