Family Violence Initiative Evaluation, Final Report
ANNEXE A: Data Collection Instruments
Case Study Interview Guide for Research and Policy on Elder Abuse
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is and I am calling from X Company. On behalf of the Department of Justice, we are conducting an evaluation of the Department of Justice Canada Family Violence Initiative (FVI). As part of this process, we are conducting case studies with several initiatives supported through the FVI. According to our information you have worked on development and implementation of policy and research related elder abuse through the Initiative. Do you have time now to answer some questions about this work?
- Name
- Position
- Organization
- Phone Number
1. We understand that you are involved with the development and implementation of a policy and research on elder abuse through the Department of Justice Canada FVI. What is your role?
2. What specific actions have been taken or outputs produced by your organization over the last three years with respect to policy and research on elder abuse?
3. What did you see as the primary objectives of your work related to policy and research on elder abuse? What key issue(s) were the activities designed to address?
4. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all successful, 3 is somewhat successful and 5 is very successful, how successful do you think the departmental policy and research activities on elder abuse have been in achieving these objectives?
- 1. No at all successful
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Very successful
- N/A
- 4a. In what respects have the activities been particularly successful?
- 4b. In what respects have the activities been less successful?
5. What major impacts did your policy and research work on elder abuse have?
6. What are some of the key factors that contributed to the success of the policy and research work on elder abuse?
7. What do you see as some of the factors that have constrained the success?
8. Looking back over your involvement in this activity, what do you see as key lessons that have been learned and best practices that have developed?
9. What recommendations do you have regarding how the Department of Justice policy and research work on elder abuse could be improved?
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