Family Violence Initiative Evaluation, Final Report
ANNEXE A: Data Collection Instruments
Case Study Interview Guide for Participants of Family Violence Symposium
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is and I am calling from X Company. On behalf of the Department of Justice, we are conducting an evaluation of the Department of Justice Canada Family Violence Initiative (FVI). As part of this process, we are conducting case studies with several initiatives supported through the FVI. According to our information, you have participated in the Justice Canada Symposium on Family Violence: The Intersection of Family and Criminal Justice System Responses organized in February 2009 in Ottawa. Do you have time now to answer some questions about this Symposium?
- Name
- Position
- Organization
- Telephone Number
1. What were your objectives for getting involved?
2. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all successful, 3 is somewhat successful, and 5 is very successful, how successful have you and your organization been to date in achieving these objectives?
- 1. No at all successful
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Very successful
- N/A
- 2a. What did you find particularly useful from participating?
- 2b. What parts or aspects were less useful to you?
3. What did you learn personally from your involvement in the Symposium?
4. What actions (if any) did you take as a result?
5. Did you report back to others in your organization (and/or, if an NGO, to the groups you represent) about the results of your involvement in the Symposium?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know
- 5a. To whom did you report these results? What information did you provide?
6. What actions, if any, have been taken based on the information provided?
7. The objective of the Symposium was to address challenges posed by the different objectives and legal standards of the criminal and family justice system responses to family violence. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all successful, 3 is somewhat successful, and 5 is very successful, how successful has the Symposium been to date in achieving these objectives?
- 1. No at all successful
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Very successful
- N/A
- 7a. Why do you say that?
8. What impact would you say that the Symposium has had?
9. What are some of the key factors that contributed to the success of the project?
10. What do you see as some of the factors that have constrained its success?
11. Did you also attend the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Meeting on Family Violence: The Intersection of Family and Criminal Justice System Responses the following day?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know
12. What were your objectives for getting involved?
13. On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all successful, 3 is somewhat successful, and 5 is very successful, how successful have you and your organization been to date in achieving these objectives?
- 1. No at all successful
- 2.
- 3. Somewhat
- 4.
- 5. Very successful
- N/A
- 13a. What parts or aspects did you find particularly useful?
- 13b. What parts or aspects were less useful to you?
14. Did you or your organization take any actions or make any changes as a result of this event?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know
15. Looking back over your involvement in this Symposium, what do you see as some of the key lessons that have been learned and best practices that have developed?
16. What recommendations or suggestions do you have regarding how the Symposium could have been improved?
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