JustResearch No. 14


This issue of JustResearch No 14 focuses on victims of crime research and is being released for National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, April 22-April 29, 2007. The issue begins with an introduction by Catherine Kane, Director of the Policy Centre for Victim Issues, which has supported much of this research. In the first article, Karen-Lee Miller looks at the use of Victim Impact Statements for sexual assault survivors in Nova Scotia. Following this article, Julian Roberts and Allen Edgar examine judicial perceptions of Victim Impact Statements at sentencing in three provinces. Susan McDonald and Andrea Hogue then review the literature on the needs of victims of hate crimes. Next, Susan McDonald summarizes the findings from a qualitative study on professionalization of victim services workers. Tina Hattem describes the findings from a study on unfounded sexual assault cases. Finally, Jodi-Anne Brzowzski provides an overview of data from the territories from the 2004 General Social Survey on Criminal Victimization. Also included is a list of upcoming conferences on victim issues. Full reports on many of these studies are forthcoming, so please contact the Research and Statistics Division of Justice Canada for more information at rsd-drs@justice.gc.ca.

Susan McDonald,
Senior Research Officer,
Research and Statistics Division