Appendix A: Human trafficking interview questions and themes

This document is designed to capture relevant information on the topic of human trafficking investigations. It is divided into five key themes:

Figure 1: Human trafficking investigations themes wheel

Figure 1: Human trafficking investigations themes wheel
Figure 1: Human trafficking investigations themes wheel – Text version

Figure 1 depicts a human trafficking investigations themes wheel. In the center are the words human trafficking. Along the edges, there are words with arrows separating them, pointing clockwise that are placed along the inside edge of the circle. On the upper left and continuing clockwise to the lower left are the words (1) Insight and Experience, (2) Investigative Techniques, (3) Trauma-Informed, (4) Response Protocols, and (5) Emerging Trends.

Interviews will also collect information on whether a respondent’s organization has a dedicated human trafficking unit/officer and the average number of human trafficking cases that are brought forward each year.

Theme A

What is the most important thing you have learned from working on human trafficking cases?

Probe and clarification areas:

  1. What is unique about human trafficking investigations?
  2. What is one piece of advice you would tell a new officer assigned to investigate human trafficking?
  3. If you had one thing to share about human trafficking cases to officers in the field, what would it be?

Theme B

How does human trafficking investigations with a trauma informed approach differ from other traditional crime investigations?

Probe and clarification areas:

  1. In comparison to more traditional crimes, how do race, language, gender and culture affect the investigation and police response for human trafficking cases?
  2. Is the form of human trafficking (e.g. prostitution-related vs. smuggling-related) more likely to affect your criminal investigation and/or rapport building?
  3. Are there any practices or procedures outside of standard operating policy that you follow specifically for human trafficking cases?
  4. Do intertwined offences (e.g., extortion, prostitution, robbery) affect human trafficking investigations more than general investigations?
  5. Do you prioritize a victim centered approach over an expedited process due to large volumes of cases in your human trafficking investigation or a hybrid form?

Theme C

Victims of human trafficking can be exposed to an acute traumatic event, repeated or prolonged exposure (such as domestic violence), or possibly involve multiple traumatic events that can be invasive and complex. Traumatic exposure(s) may condition a victim, trigger problem behaviour (such as substance abuse) and affect decision making.

Probe and clarification areas:

  1. How do you probe for, detect, or recognize trauma?
  2. How does evidence of trauma affect your investigation?
  3. What form(s) of trauma do you most frequently encounter with human trafficking cases?
  4. What training do you receive to recognize the effect of trauma on how victims present themselves to law enforcement personnel, court officials, and other individuals in positions of authority?
  5. How do you explain how trauma adversely affects individuals to victims, families, court officials, and peers?

Theme D

What identification and response practices do you find innovative and/or effective at producing results?

Probe and clarification areas:

  1. What investigative model do you follow for interviewing victims of human trafficking? For instance: Free flow, cognitive, vulnerable witness interview techniques, etc.
  2. Where do you typically conduct your interviews? Why?
  3. What do other police services have that you want? What resources would be beneficial?
  4. What are the primary social services you find human trafficking victims need?
  5. What resources do you rely upon to assist victims?
    • Addiction counsellors
    • Food, medical assistance
    • Short/long term hotel/housing accommodation
    • Victim assistance (internal, external)
    • Witness protection
    • Legal resources
    • Pamphlets
    • Peace bond assistance
    • Help groups, counselling groups
    • Taxis, bus pass
    • Specific websites
    • Expedite travel documents
    • Trauma informed peer support
    • Access to alarms
    • Clothing
    • Interpreter
    • Job training
    • Protection/safety
    • Life skills
    • Outreach
    • Child care
    • Education, Info/Referral
    • Repatriation
    • Employment
    • Crisis intervention

    Specialized tools

    • Associated training on related offences (e.g. smuggling, prostitution)
    • Assessment tools
    • Access to expert interviewers
    • Interview training
    • Video equipment for interviews, soft rooms
    • List of applicable charges, Criminal Code offences, case law available for officers
    • Legal jurisprudence: examples of actus rea (e.g., recruiting, transporting) and mens rea (e.g., coercion, abduction, fraud, deception)
    • Separate interview locations for victims and accused
    • Memorandum of understandings with partner agencies

    Theme E

    Are emerging trends affecting your investigations?

    Probe and clarification areas:

    1. Has technology changed the crime of human trafficking or how it is investigated?
    2. How has social media and the digital age affected human trafficking investigations and trauma informed responses?
    3. What effect has Covid had on human trafficking victim reporting and investigative practices?
    4. In reference to the above emerging trends, how have you adapted?


Is there anything you would like to expand upon or were hoping to discuss?