Appendix B: Glossary
CACP – Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
CI – cognitive interview
C-PTSD – Complex posttraumatic stress disorder
Dissociative reaction – Disconnection between a person’s sensory experience, thoughts, sense of self, and personal history.
Forensic experiential trauma interview – A proposed interview technique for traumatized individuals.
LGBTQ2S – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and two-spirit.
PTSD – Posttraumatic stress disorder
Sheepdog – The sheepdog analogy is popular among police. Regular citizens are considered the sheep. There are wolves out there that harm the sheep. Sheepdogs are the guardians and like the wolf they have a capacity for violence but they also have the capacity for love.
Stockholm Syndrome – A psychological bond a hostage has for her captor and is believed to be a coping mechanism for the current situation.
Tickle-Degnen and Rosenthal Model – A model of rapport building.
Trauma bonding – Emotional attachment that develops out of a circle of violence and positive reinforcement.
Trauma-coerced attachment (TCA) – Similar as trauma bonding where a powerful emotional bond develops for the perpetrator.
Wrap-around service – A team-based collaborative comprehensive service that includes support and programming for human trafficking victims.
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