A Qualitative Look at Serious Legal Problems Facing Immigrants in London and Toronto, Ontario

About the Pathways to Prosperity Partnership

The Pathways to Prosperity (P2P) Partnership is a national partnership funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada that was designed to provide an evidence base for settlement and integration policies and programs in Canada. As the leading immigration research network in Canada, P2P has a proven track record of productivity and effectiveness, completing projects for government departments and practitioners that have been widely cited and integrated into the organization and operation of these groups. The Partnership supports service provision and promotes welcoming communities for immigrants in Canada through rigorous practical research and effective knowledge mobilization practices. Our methods bring together academic scholarship with local expertise and detailed government program knowledge. This allows us to provide practical, empirically based advice on policies, programs, and agency practices. Our engagement strategy to ensure participation, interest, and support of the settlement sector and other stakeholders is based on their full collaboration in all aspects of the Partnership.

Goals include: identifying and addressing the settlement needs and outcomes of different groups of newcomers, particularly vulnerable and under-served groups; identifying and sharing promising practices with evidence of their effectiveness; improving outcome measurement; measuring and addressing the welcome-ability of communities; and supporting attraction, retention, and service delivery in Northern, rural, and remote communities. Services for Francophone immigrants outside of Quebec and support for Francophone minority communities are important components of this work. As new questions and challenges are identified, P2P applies itself to these research needs, using the depth and breadth of expertise and experience within this national partnership. Pathways to Prosperity also hosts an annual national conference and regional workshops, supporting the mobilization of research findings and a culture of collaboration among members of the Partnership.

Key stakeholders include:

This study was funded in part by the Department of Justice Canada and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.