The Canadian Legal Problems Survey

Surveys about legal problems and needs are undertaken in countries around the world. In 2021, the Canadian Legal Problems Survey (CLPS) was conducted to identify the kinds of serious legal problems people face, how they attempted to resolve them, and how these experiences have impacted their lives. This survey was conducted by Statistics Canada on behalf of the Department of Justice Canada and other federal departments.

The CLPS is the latest legal needs survey conducted in Canada. Previously, the survey was conducted in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2014.

A Series of Qualitative Studies on Serious Legal Problems

To complement the CLPS, community-based researchers were contracted to conduct a series of qualitative studies to explore and report on the experiences of specific populations in different parts of Canada who have experienced a serious legal problem. The following reports provide an in-depth qualitative look at these problems and how the members of these groups dealt with them.

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