Minister of Justice National Youth Justice Policing Award

2006 Winners

Sergeant Jim McEntegart
Sergeant Jim McEntegart
Constable Sandy Goudie
Constable Sandy Goudie
Constable Geoff Pittman
Constable Geoff Pittman
Constable Gavin Moore
Constable Gavin Moore
Clara Winters
Clara Winters

RCMP-Hopedale Detachment

The Hopedale Detachment RCMP members received the 2007 Minister of Justice National Youth Justice Award for their work with Community Justice Forums (CJFs) in an Inuit community located in northern Labrador. CJFs support police discretion at the front end of the youth justice process and use community-based conferencing as an alternative to the formal court system.

Community Justice Forums offer a controlled, safe setting in which the offender, the victim(s) and supporters are brought together to decide how to deal with a specific incident of offending. In the presence of a community member who has been trained as a CJF facilitator, participants agree on a response to the incident. The Hopedale officers then work with the youth to follow through with the response. The forums contribute to the Hopedale community by promoting respect for societal values-such as accountability, appropriate behavior, cooperation, responsibility and teamwork-and by helping the community to respond to youth in conflict with the law.

Certificates of Distinction

Constable Grant Dokis
Constable Grant Dokis
Sergeant Robert Thirkill
Sergeant Robert Thirkill

Greater Sudbury Police Service - Aboriginal Youth Strategy

Previous Winners

The Minister of Justice National Youth Justice Policing Award was established in 2000. Here are the previous award recipients: