State of the Criminal Justice System Dashboard
Welcome to the Women’s theme of the State of the Criminal Justice System Dashboard. This section of the Dashboard helps illustrate how people’s interactions with the criminal justice system—whether as victims and survivors or as accused and offenders—may differ based on their gender. As a stand-in for gender, many indicators are presented by sex assigned at birth using binary (i.e., male and female) categories. This reflects a limitation in currently available data and does not accurately represent the complexity and diversity of sex and gender in the Canadian population. Over time, as new data are developed, including the collection of gender information with additional categories, the State of the Criminal Justice System Framework, Dashboard and Annual Report will be updated to reflect these changes.
On this page of the Dashboard you can look at information one of two ways:
- Click on one of the nine outcomes listed below to learn about related indicators and to explore the data currently available by sex or gender.
- Click on Learn more for additional information on the diverse experiences of women with the criminal justice system.